namespace: fontis_v2 meta: imageUrl: eval: "$projectBase + '_/assets/img/defaultImg.PNG'" openapi: servers: - url: description: code-server dashboard: majorItems: - type: "sectionTitle" title: { de: "Website Perfomance", en: "Website Perfomance" } appendix: collection: lighthouse eval: | (function(){ return " " + new Date($date).toLocaleDateString() + "" })() - type: graph filter: false graphType: radialBar until: "lastYear" value: total containerProps: #optional class prop layout: breakBefore: false breakAfter: false size: default: "col-6" small: "col-12" large: "col-3" options: { property: plotOptions, value: { radialBar: { hollow: { margin: 0, size: "70%" }, track: { dropShadow: { enabled: true, top: 2, left: 0, blur: 4, opacity: 0.15 } }, dataLabels: { name: { offsetY: -10, color: "#000", fontSize: "13px" }, value: { color: "#000", fontSize: "30px", show: true }, }, }, }, } graphs: - collection: lighthouse field: performance yAxis: latestValue graphName: { de: "Perfomance Score", en: "Perfomance Score" } dateTimeField: insertTime - type: graph filter: false graphType: radialBar until: "lastYear" value: total containerProps: #optional class prop layout: breakBefore: false breakAfter: false size: default: "col-6" small: "col-12" large: "col-3" options: { property: plotOptions, value: { radialBar: { hollow: { margin: 0, size: "70%" }, track: { dropShadow: { enabled: true, top: 2, left: 0, blur: 4, opacity: 0.15 } }, dataLabels: { name: { offsetY: -10, color: "#000", fontSize: "13px" }, value: { color: "#000", fontSize: "30px", show: true }, }, }, }, } graphs: - collection: lighthouse field: accessibility yAxis: latestValue graphName: { de: "Accessibility Score", en: "Accessibility Score" } dateTimeField: insertTime - type: graph filter: false graphType: radialBar until: "lastYear" value: total containerProps: #optional class prop layout: breakBefore: false breakAfter: false size: default: "col-6" small: "col-12" large: "col-3" options: { property: plotOptions, value: { radialBar: { hollow: { margin: 0, size: "70%" }, track: { dropShadow: { enabled: true, top: 2, left: 0, blur: 4, opacity: 0.15 } }, dataLabels: { name: { offsetY: -10, color: "#000", fontSize: "13px" }, value: { color: "#000", fontSize: "30px", show: true }, }, }, }, } graphs: - collection: lighthouse field: bestPractices yAxis: latestValue graphName: { de: "Best Practices Score", en: "Best Practices Score" } dateTimeField: insertTime - type: graph filter: false graphType: radialBar until: "lastYear" value: total containerProps: #optional class prop layout: breakBefore: false breakAfter: false size: default: "col-6" small: "col-12" large: "col-3" options: { property: plotOptions, value: { radialBar: { hollow: { margin: 0, size: "70%" }, track: { dropShadow: { enabled: true, top: 2, left: 0, blur: 4, opacity: 0.15 } }, dataLabels: { name: { offsetY: -10, color: "#000", fontSize: "13px" }, value: { color: "#000", fontSize: "30px", show: true }, }, }, }, } graphs: - collection: lighthouse field: seo yAxis: latestValue graphName: { de: "SEO Score", en: "SEO Score" } dateTimeField: insertTime - type: swiper # Art des Elements, hier ein Swiper containerProps: #optional class prop layout: breakBefore: false breakAfter: false size: default: "col-12" small: "col-12" large: "col-6 row-2-4" elements: # Liste der Elemente in diesem Swiper - type: graph title: value: { de: "Ladezeit (Score)", en: "Loadtime (Score)" } xAxis: manual until: "lastYear" filter: false #deaktiviert die Filter möglichkeit für den Nutzer beim diagramm, normalerweise aktiviert. Hierbei sind alle kombinationen x >= until möglich columns: - name: { de: '["Erstes sichtbares", "Element"]', en: '["First Contentful", "Paint"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.FCPS - name: { de: '["Erstes bedeutsames", "Element"]', en: '["First Meaningful", "Paint"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.FMPS - name: { de: '["Maximale potenzielle", "erste", "ingabeverzögerung"]', en: '["Max Potential", "First Input", "Delay"]', } field: lighthouseMetrics.FPIDS - name: { de: '["Zeit bis", "zur", "Interaktivität"]', en: '["Time to", "Interactive"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.TTIS - name: { de: '["Geschwindigkeitsindex"]', en: '["Speed Index"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.SIS graphType: "bar" graphs: - graphName: { de: "Lighthouse Metriken", en: "Lighthouse Metrics" } yAxis: latestValue collection: lighthouse dateTimeField: insertTime - type: graph title: value: { de: "Ladezeit (Sekunden)", en: "Loadtime (seconds)" } xAxis: manual until: "lastYear" filter: false #deaktiviert die Filter möglichkeit für den Nutzer beim diagramm, normalerweise aktiviert. Hierbei sind alle kombinationen x >= until möglich columns: - name: { de: '["Erstes sichtbares", "Element"]', en: '["First Contentful", "Paint"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.FCPV - name: { de: '["Erstes bedeutsames", "Element"]', en: '["First Meaningful", "Paint"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.FMPV - name: { de: '["Maximale potenzielle", "erste", "ingabeverzögerung"]', en: '["Max Potential", "First Input", "Delay"]', } field: lighthouseMetrics.FPIDV - name: { de: '["Zeit bis", "zur", "Interaktivität"]', en: '["Time to", "Interactive"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.TTIV - name: { de: '["Geschwindigkeitsindex"]', en: '["Speed Index"]' } field: lighthouseMetrics.SIV graphType: "bar" graphs: - graphName: { de: "Lighthouse Metriken", en: "Lighthouse Metrics" } yAxis: latestValue collection: lighthouse dateTimeField: insertTime - type: "sectionTitle" title: { de: "Seiteninhalte", en: "Page content" } - collection: navigation type: reference style: upper: rgba(3, 50, 59, 0.7) lower: rgba(3, 50, 59) - collection: page type: reference style: upper: rgba(3, 50, 59, 0.7) lower: rgba(3, 50, 59) - collection: module type: reference style: upper: rgba(3, 50, 59, 0.7) lower: rgba(3, 50, 59) - collection: medialib type: reference style: upper: rgba(3, 50, 59, 0.7) lower: rgba(3, 50, 59) - type: "sectionTitle" title: { de: "Aktionen", en: "Actions" } - collection: lighthouse type: action action: "Lighthouse Durchlauf starten" backgroundAction: true modalText: { de: "Zur Analyse der Website werden einige Zeitintensive prozesse gestartet, daher wird dies im Hintergrund ausgeführt. Es kann einige Minuten dauern bis das Dashboard aktuallisiert wird, bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld.", en: "To analyze the website, some time-intensive processes are started, so this is done in the background. It may take a few minutes for the dashboard to be updated, please be patient.", } properties: url: type: post style: upper: rgba(3, 50, 59, 0.7) lower: rgba(3, 50, 59) minorItems: - collection: page subNavigation: 0 - collection: page subNavigation: 1 - collection: page subNavigation: 2 collections: - !include collections/navigation.yml - !include collections/content.yml - !include collections/module.yml - !include collections/medialib.yml - !include collections/backups.yml - !include collections/ssr.yml - !include collections/lighthouse.yml - !include collections/lighthouse-subpaths.yml assets: - name: img path: img jobs: - cron: "0 0 * * 1" type: javascript file: jobs/lighthouse.js