declare global { export interface CollectionDocument { id?: string insertTime?: Date updateTime?: Date [key: string]: any } export interface DbReadOptions { filter?: { [key: string]: any } selector?: { [key: string]: any } projection?: string offset?: number limit?: number sort?: string[] pipelineMod?: ( pipe: { [key: string]: any }[] ) => { [key: string]: any }[] } interface GetHookGetOnlyData { /** * true if only one document was requested via /COLLECTION/ID */ one?: boolean /** * get list of documents (only valid after stage "read" in "get" hook) */ results(): CollectionDocument[] } interface GetHookData { /** * filter map only valid for "get" hooks */ filter?: { [key: string]: any } /** * selector map only valid for "get" hooks */ selector?: { [key: string]: any } /** * offset only valid for "get" hooks */ offset?: number /** * limit only valid for "get" hooks */ limit?: number /** * sort only valid for "get" hooks */ sort?: string[] | string /** * pipelineMod is a function to modify the mongodb query pipeline */ pipelineMod?: ( pipe: { [key: string]: any }[] ) => { [key: string]: any }[] } interface PostHookData { /** * post data only valid in "post" and "put" hooks */ data?: CollectionDocument } interface JobConfig { /** * meta object */ meta?: any /** * cron job interval specification */ cron?: string /** * job program type */ type: "javascript" /** * jobs program file */ file?: string } interface JobData { /** * job is object of job config */ job?: JobConfig } interface ConfigPackage { /** * get current namespace string * */ namespace(): string /** * get current project object * */ project(): { [key: string]: any } /** * get server config object * */ server(): { api: { port: number } security: { allowAbsolutePaths: boolean allowUpperPaths: boolean } } } interface DbPackage { /** * read results from a collection * * @param colName collection name * @param options options map */ find(colName: string, options?: DbReadOptions): CollectionDocument[] /** * read count of documents for filter from a collection * * @param colName collection name * @param options options map (only filter is valid) */ count(colName: string, options?: DbReadOptions): number /** * create a document in a collection * * @param colName collection name * @param data data map */ create(colName: string, data: CollectionDocument): CollectionDocument /** * update a document in a collection * * @param colName collection name * @param id id of entry * @param data new/changed data */ update( colName: string, id: string, data: CollectionDocument ): CollectionDocument /** * deletes one document by id from collection * * @param colName collection name * @param id id of entry */ delete(colName: string, id: string): { message: "ok" } /** * deletes documents by filter from collection * * @param colName collection name * @param options options map, only filter valid */ deleteMany( colName: string, options?: DbReadOptions ): { message: "ok"; removed: number } } interface SmtpPackage { /** * send an email * * @param options email options map */ sendMail(options: { host?: string username?: string password?: string to: string | string[] cc?: string | string[] bcc?: string | string[] subject?: string from: string fromName?: string replyTo?: string plain?: string html?: string attach?: string | string[] }): void } interface FsPackage { /** * get directory path of api config file * */ configDir(): string /** * read a file relative to config dir and return its content * * @param path relative file path * @param options optional options */ readFile( path: string, options?: { bytes: boolean // if true return []byte instead of string } ): string | any /** * write data to a file relative to config dir * * @param path relative file path * @param data string or []byte data */ writeFile(path: string, data: string | any): null /** * stat file or directory * * @param path */ stat(path: string): { name: string size: number isDir: boolean modTime: string } /** * list directory entries * * @param path */ readDir(path: string): { name: string size: number isDir: boolean modTime: string }[] /** * make directory and all missing sub directories, no error if directory already exists * * @param path */ mkDir(path: string): void /** * remove file or empty directory * * @param path */ remove(path: string): void /** * copy file or directory * * @param src * @param dest */ copy(src: string, dest: string): void } interface TplPackage { /** * execute a template code and return result * * @param code template code * @param contextData template context map */ execute( code: string, contextData?: { [key: string]: any } ): string } interface HttpPackage { /** * http request * * @param url url for request * @param options request options */ fetch( url: string, options?: { method?: string headers?: { [key: string]: string } body?: string // timeout in seconds timeout?: number } ): { status: number statusText: string headers: { [key: string]: string } trailer: { [key: string]: string } url: string body: { text(): string json(): any } } } interface DebugPackage { /** * dumps data to header and server log * * @param toDump data to dump */ dump(...toDump: any): void /** * get Sentry trace id */ sentryTraceId(): string /** * sleep * * @param ms sleep time in milliseconds */ sleep(ms: number): void } interface ResponsePackage { /** * set response header * * @param name header name * @param value value */ header(name: string, value: any): void } interface UserPackage { /** * get JWT authentication */ auth(): { id: string username: string role: number permissions: string[] } } interface BcryptPackage { /** * hash password via bcrypt algo * * @param password clear text password * @param options hashing options */ hash( password: string, options?: { cost?: number } ): string /** * check password against hashed password via bcrypt algo * * @param password clear text password * @param hash hashed password */ check(password: string, hash: string): boolean } interface JwtPackage { /** * create a jwt signed token string * * @param claims data object * @param options options (secret, validityDuration = expiry in X seconds) */ create( claims: { [key: string]: any }, options?: { secret?: string validityDuration?: number } ): string /** * parse jwt token string * * @param token token string * @param options options (secret) */ parse( token: string, options?: { secret?: string } ): { error?: string valid: boolean method: { Name: string Hash: number } header: { alg: string typ: string } claims: { exp?: number [key: string]: any } } } interface CharsetPackage { /** * convert iso8859 to utf8 * * @param iso8859 iso string */ iso8859ToUtf8(iso8859: string): string } interface ImagePackage { /** * convert image from source file to target file with filters * * @param sourceFile * @param targetFile * @param filters */ filter( sourceFile: string, targetFile: string, filters: { fit?: boolean fill?: boolean width?: number height?: number brightness?: number saturation?: number contrast?: number gamma?: number blur?: number sharpen?: number invert?: boolean grayscale?: boolean quality?: number }[] ): void } interface XmlPackage { /** * create xml string * * @param data object or array * @param options options */ create(data: any, options?: {}): string /** * parse xml string to json * * @param xml xml string * @param options options */ parse(xml: string, options?: {}): any } interface CookiePackage { /** * get cookie from http header * * @param name cookie name */ get(name: string): string /** * set cookie via http header * * @param name cookie name * @param value cookie value * @param options cookie options */ set( name: string, value: string, options?: { maxAge?: number path?: string domain?: string secure?: boolean httpOnly?: boolean sameSite?: "strict" | "lax" | "none" } ): void } interface PdfPackage { /** * generate pdf from html * * @param html html string * @param options options * * @returns []byte of pdf data */ fromHTML( html: string, options?: { copies?: number // Number of copies to print into the pdf file (default 1) dpi?: number // Change the dpi explicitly (this has no effect on X11 based systems) grayscale?: boolean // PDF will be generated in grayscale imageDpi?: number // When embedding images scale them down to this dpi (default 600) imageQuality?: number // When jpeg compressing images use this quality (default 94) lowQuality?: boolean // Generates lower quality pdf/ps. Useful to shrink the result document space marginBottom?: number // Set the page bottom margin marginLeft?: number // Set the page left margin (default 10mm) marginRight?: number // Set the page right margin (default 10mm) marginTop?: number // Set the page top margin noCollate?: boolean // Do not collate when printing multiple copies (default collate) noPdfCompression?: boolean // Do not use lossless compression on pdf objects orientation?: "Portrait" | "Landscape" // Set orientation to Landscape or Portrait (default Portrait) pageHeight?: number // Page height pageSize?: string // Set paper size to: A4, Letter, etc. (default A4) pageWidth?: number // Page width title?: string // The title of the generated pdf file (The title of the first document is used if not specified) // page settings printMediaType?: boolean // Use print media-type instead of screen footerCenter?: string // Centered footer text footerFontName?: string // Set footer font name (default Arial) footerFontSize?: number // Set footer font size (default 12) footerLeft?: string // Left aligned footer text footerLine?: boolean // Display line above the footer footerRight?: string // Right aligned footer text footerSpacing?: number // Spacing between footer and content in mm (default 0) footerHTML?: string // URL to footer html headerCenter?: string // Centered header text headerFontName?: string // Set header font name (default Arial) headerFontSize?: number // Set header font size (default 12) headerLeft?: string // Left aligned header text headerLine?: boolean // Display line below the header headerRight?: string // Right aligned header text headerSpacing?: number // Spacing between header and content in mm (default 0) headerHTML?: string // URL to header html } ): any /** * process existing pdf data * * @param command pdfcpu command * @param pdfData []byte of pdf data, multiple []byte as array of pdf's to merge or object with description to create * @param options options * * @returns []byte of new pdf data */ cpu( command: "watermark" | "stamp" | "merge" | "rotate" | "create", pdfData: any | any[], options?: { pages?: (string | number)[] description?: { fontname?: string points?: number rtl?: boolean position?: | "full" | "tl" | "tc" | "tr" | "l" | "c" | "r" | "bl" | "bc" | "br" offset?: string scalefactor?: number | string aligntext?: "left" | "center" | "right" | "justified" strokecolor?: string fillcolor?: string backgroundcolor?: string rotation?: number diagonal?: 1 | 2 opacity?: number rendermode?: 0 | 1 | 2 margins?: number | string border?: number | string url?: string } mode?: "text" | "image" | "pdf" bytes?: any // []byte of watermark image file?: string // file for pdf watermark text?: string // text for text watermark rotation?: number } ): any } interface CryptoPackage { /** * get hex of sha256 hash * * @param sata string * * @returns hex hash */ sha256(data: string): string /** * get hex of md5 hash * * @param sata string * * @returns hex hash */ md5(data: string): string } interface JsonPackage { /** * parse json string to json * @param str json string */ parse(str: string): any /** * stringify json string * @param json json object */ stringify(json: any): string } export interface HookContext extends GetHookData, GetHookGetOnlyData, PostHookData, JobData { request(): { method: string remoteAddr: string clientIp(): string host: string url: string path: string param(p: string): string query(q: string): string header(h: string): string body(): string /** * bodyBytes return []byte go slice of post body for later use pe. in iso8859ToUtf8 */ bodyBytes(): string } api(): { [key: string]: any } project(): { [key: string]: any } collection(): { [key: string]: any } config: ConfigPackage db: DbPackage smtp: SmtpPackage fs: FsPackage tpl: TplPackage http: HttpPackage debug: DebugPackage response: ResponsePackage user: UserPackage bcrypt: BcryptPackage jwt: JwtPackage charset: CharsetPackage image: ImagePackage xml: XmlPackage cookie: CookiePackage pdf: PdfPackage crypto: CryptoPackage json: JsonPackage } export interface HookException { status?: number html?: string string?: string bytes?: any json?: any file?: string log?: boolean [key: string]: any } export interface HookResponse extends GetHookData, PostHookData { data?: CollectionDocument results?: any } var context: HookContext } export { HookResponse, HookException, HookContext, CollectionDocument }