diff --git a/api/collections/fields/_article-attachments.yml b/api/collections/fields/_article-attachments.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..915d18c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/collections/fields/_article-attachments.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name: attachments
+type: object
+    label:
+        de: Anhänge / Downloads
+        en: Attachments / Downloads
+    css:
+    - name: files
+      type: object[]
+      meta:
+          label: { de: "Anhänge", en: "Attachments" }
+      subFields:
+          - name: title
+            type: string
+            meta:
+                label: { de: "Datei-Titel", en: "File Title" }
+          - name: id
+            type: string
+            meta:
+                label: { de: "Technischer Name / ID", en: "Technical name / ID" }
+          - name: file
+            type: file
+            meta:
+                label: { de: "", en: "" }
diff --git a/api/collections/fields/_article-layout-margin.yml b/api/collections/fields/_article-layout-margin.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011818d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/collections/fields/_article-layout-margin.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+name: margin
+type: object
+    label: { de: "Abstand nach außen (Margin)", en: "Distance to the outside (Margin)" }
+    - name: top
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Abstand nach Oben
+              en: Margin Top
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "mt-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mt-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mt-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "mt-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mt-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
+    - name: right
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Abstand nach Rechts
+              en: Margin Right
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "mr-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mr-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mr-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "mr-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mr-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
+    - name: bottom
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Abstand nach Unten
+              en: Margin Bottom
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "mb-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mb-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mb-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "mb-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "mb-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
+    - name: left
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Abstand nach Links
+              en: Margin Left
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "ml-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "ml-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "ml-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "ml-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "ml-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
diff --git a/api/collections/fields/_article-layout-padding.yml b/api/collections/fields/_article-layout-padding.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20d8dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/collections/fields/_article-layout-padding.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+name: padding
+type: object
+    label: { de: "Abstand nach innen (Padding)", en: "Distance inside (Padding)" }
+    - name: top
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Innenabstand nach Oben
+              en: Padding Top
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "pt-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pt-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pt-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "pt-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pt-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
+    - name: right
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Innenabstand nach Rechts
+              en: Padding Right
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "pr-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pr-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pr-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "pr-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pr-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
+    - name: bottom
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Innenabstand nach Unten
+              en: Padding Bottom
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "pb-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pb-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pb-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "pb-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pb-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
+    - name: left
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Innenabstand nach Links
+              en: Padding Left
+          choices:
+              - { id: "", name: "-" }
+              - { id: "pl-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pl-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pl-md", name: "Normal" }
+              - { id: "pl-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
+              - { id: "pl-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
diff --git a/api/collections/fields/_article-link.yml b/api/collections/fields/_article-link.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159bf21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/collections/fields/_article-link.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name: link
+type: object
+    label:
+        de: Verlinkung
+        en: Link
+    css:
+    - name: url
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          label: { de: "Ziel-URL", en: "Target URL" }
+    - name: text
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          label: { de: "Link-Beschriftung", en: "Link-Text" }
+    - name: target
+      type: string
+      meta:
+          widget: select
+          label:
+              de: Zielfenster
+              en: Target
+          defaultValue: ["_self"]
+          choices:
+              - { id: "_self", name: "(Standardwert) gleicher Tab oder Seite" }
+              - { id: "_blank", name: "Neuer Tab oder Fenster" }
+              - { id: "_parent", name: "Elternfenster" }
diff --git a/api/collections/fields/_article-media.yml b/api/collections/fields/_article-media.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea7fee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/collections/fields/_article-media.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+name: media
+type: object
+    label:
+        de: Medien
+        en: Media
+    - name: files
+      type: object[]
+      meta:
+          label: { de: "Bilder", en: "Images" }
+      subFields:
+          - name: title
+            type: string
+            meta:
+                label: { de: "Datei-Titel", en: "File Title" }
+          - name: alternateText
+            type: string
+            meta:
+                label: { de: "Alternativer Text", en: "Alternate Text" }
+          - name: id
+            type: string
+            meta:
+                editableWhileCreating: true
+                label: { de: "Technischer Name / ID", en: "Technical name / ID" }
+          - name: file
+            type: file
+            meta:
+                widget: image
+                label: { de: "Datei", en: "File" }
+          - name: caption
+            type: string
+            meta:
+                label: { de: "Bildunterschrift", en: "Caption" }
diff --git a/api/collections/fields/_article.yml b/api/collections/fields/_article.yml
index b6acdba..815a55b 100644
--- a/api/collections/fields/_article.yml
+++ b/api/collections/fields/_article.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ meta:
         de: Einstellungen zum Artikel
         en: Article Setings
-    activeTab: 0
+    activeTab: 1
     - name: general
       type: object
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ subFields:
                           de: Datum (bis)
                           en: Date (until)
                 - name: interval
-                  type: string
+                  type: number
                           placeholder: 60000
@@ -131,65 +131,8 @@ subFields:
                       widget: richtext
                       label: { de: "Detail-Text des Artikel", en: "Article Detail Text" }
-                - name: media
-                  type: object
-                  meta:
-                      label:
-                          de: Medien
-                          en: Media
-                  subFields:
-                      - name: files
-                        type: object[]
-                        meta:
-                            label: { de: "Bilder", en: "Images" }
-                        subFields:
-                            - name: title
-                              type: string
-                              meta:
-                                  label: { de: "Datei-Titel", en: "File Title" }
-                            - name: alternateText
-                              type: string
-                              meta:
-                                  label: { de: "Alternativer Text", en: "Alternate Text" }
-                            - name: id
-                              type: string
-                              meta:
-                                  editableWhileCreating: true
-                                  label: { de: "Technischer Name / ID", en: "Technical name / ID" }
-                            - name: file
-                              type: file
-                              meta:
-                                  widget: image
-                                  label: { de: "Datei", en: "File" }
-                            - name: caption
-                              type: string
-                              meta:
-                                  label: { de: "Bildunterschrift", en: "Caption" }
-                - name: attachments
-                  type: object
-                  meta:
-                      label:
-                          de: Anhänge / Downloads
-                          en: Attachments / Downloads
-                      css:
-                  subFields:
-                      - name: files
-                        type: object[]
-                        meta:
-                            label: { de: "Anhänge", en: "Attachments" }
-                        subFields:
-                            - name: title
-                              type: string
-                              meta:
-                                  label: { de: "Datei-Titel", en: "File Title" }
-                            - name: id
-                              type: string
-                              meta:
-                                  label: { de: "Technischer Name / ID", en: "Technical name / ID" }
-                            - name: file
-                              type: file
-                              meta:
-                                  label: { de: "", en: "" }
+                - !include _article-media.yml
+                - !include _article-attachments.yml
     - name: layout
       type: object
@@ -213,153 +156,6 @@ subFields:
                 widget: tabs
-                - name: margin
-                  type: object
-                  meta:
-                      label: { de: "Abstand nach außen (Margin)", en: "Distance to the outside (Margin)" }
-                  subFields:
-                      - name: top
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Abstand nach Oben
-                                en: Margin Top
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "mt-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mt-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mt-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "mt-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mt-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-                      - name: right
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Abstand nach Rechts
-                                en: Margin Right
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "mr-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mr-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mr-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "mr-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mr-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-                      - name: bottom
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Abstand nach Unten
-                                en: Margin Bottom
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "mb-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mb-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mb-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "mb-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "mb-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-                      - name: left
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Abstand nach Links
-                                en: Margin Left
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "ml-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "ml-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "ml-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "ml-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "ml-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-                - name: padding
-                  type: object
-                  meta:
-                      label: { de: "Abstand nach innen (Padding)", en: "Distance inside (Padding)" }
-                  subFields:
-                      - name: top
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Innenabstand nach Oben
-                                en: Padding Top
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "pt-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pt-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pt-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "pt-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pt-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-                      - name: right
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Innenabstand nach Rechts
-                                en: Padding Right
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "pr-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pr-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pr-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "pr-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pr-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-                      - name: bottom
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Innenabstand nach Unten
-                                en: Padding Bottom
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "pb-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pb-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pb-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "pb-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pb-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-                      - name: left
-                        type: string
-                        meta:
-                            widget: select
-                            label:
-                                de: Innenabstand nach Links
-                                en: Padding Left
-                            choices:
-                                - { id: "", name: "-" }
-                                - { id: "pl-xs", name: "Sehr kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pl-sm", name: "Kleiner Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pl-md", name: "Normal" }
-                                - { id: "pl-lg", name: "Großer Abstand" }
-                                - { id: "pl-xl", name: "Sehr großer Abstand" }
-    - name: link
-      type: object
-      meta:
-          label:
-              de: Verlinkung
-              en: Link
-          css:
-      subFields:
-          - name: url
-            type: string
-            meta:
-                label: { de: "Ziel-URL", en: "Target URL" }
-          - name: text
-            type: string
-            meta:
-                label: { de: "Link-Beschriftung", en: "Link-Text" }
-          - name: target
-            type: string
-            meta:
-                widget: select
-                label:
-                    de: Zielfenster
-                    en: Target
-                defaultValue: ["_self"]
-                choices:
-                    - { id: "_self", name: "(Standardwert) gleicher Tab oder Seite" }
-                    - { id: "_blank", name: "Neuer Tab oder Fenster" }
-                    - { id: "_parent", name: "Elternfenster" }
+                - !include _article-layout-margin.yml
+                - !include _article-layout-padding.yml
+    - !include _article-link.yml
diff --git a/src/api.ts b/src/api.ts
index dc8e668..630355e 100644
--- a/src/api.ts
+++ b/src/api.ts
@@ -217,21 +217,16 @@ export const getGeneralInformation = async (): Promise<GeneralInfo[]> => {
-export const getArticles = async (
-    collectionName: string,
-    filter: APIParams,
-    params?: APIParams
-): Promise<TibiArticle[]> => {
+export const getArticles = async (collectionName: string, apiParams: APIParams): Promise<TibiArticle[]> => {
     try {
         let response = await api<TibiArticle[]>(collectionName, {
             method: "get",
             offset: 0,
-            params,
             filter: {
                 "article.general.public": true,
-                ...filter,
             sort: "article.general.sort",
+            ...apiParams,
         return response.data
     } catch (e) {
diff --git a/src/components/routes/ArticleDetails.svelte b/src/components/routes/ArticleDetails.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f00a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/routes/ArticleDetails.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<script lang="ts">
+    import { currentLang } from "../../store"
+    import { getArticles } from "../../api"
+    // import Article from "../widgets/Article.svelte"
+    $: if ($currentLang) {
+        getArticles("articles", {
+            filter: {
+                "article.general.locale": $currentLang,
+            },
+        }).then((response) => {
+            console.log(response)
+        })
+    }
+<div class="container">
+    <div class="row">
+        <div class="col-md-12">
+            <h1>ARTICLE DETAILS</h1>
+        </div>
+    </div>
diff --git a/src/components/routes/Home.svelte b/src/components/routes/Home.svelte
index 4c5b173..47f1001 100644
--- a/src/components/routes/Home.svelte
+++ b/src/components/routes/Home.svelte
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <script lang="ts">
     import * as animateScroll from "svelte-scrollto"
-    import { generalInfo, currentLang } from "../../store"
+    import { currentLang } from "../../store"
     import { getArticles } from "../../api"
     import GoogleMaps from "../widgets/GoogleMaps.svelte"
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
     $: if ($currentLang) {
         getArticles("articles", {
-            "article.general.locale": $currentLang,
+            filter: {
+                "article.general.locale": $currentLang,
+            },
         }).then((response) => {
             articleEntries = response
diff --git a/types/global.d.ts b/types/global.d.ts
index 9ac119a..6e24af7 100644
--- a/types/global.d.ts
+++ b/types/global.d.ts
@@ -72,11 +72,54 @@ interface GeneralInfo {
 interface TibiArticle {
     id: string
-    article: any
+    article: {
+        general: {
+            public: boolean
+            locale: string
+            publish_date: {
+                from: string
+                until: string
+                interval: number
+            }
+            tags: string[]
+            sort: number
+        }
+        content: {
+            slug: string
+            title: string
+            subtitle: string
+            types: {
+                teaser: string
+                details: string
+                media: {
+                    files: TibiArticleMediaFile[]
+                }
+                attachments: {
+                    files: TibiArticleAttachmentFile[]
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        layout: {}
+        link: {}
+    }
     insertTime?: string
     updateTime?: string
+interface TibiArticleMediaFile {
+    title: string
+    id: string
+    file: File
+interface TibiArticleAttachmentFile {
+    title: string
+    alternateText: string
+    id: string
+    file: File
+    caption: string
 interface TibiArticleImage {
     id: string
     title: string