name: deploy to production on: "push" jobs: lighthouse-evaluation: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: volumes: - /data:/data services: mongo: image: mongo:4.2 ports: - 27017:27017 options: --name mongo maildev: image: ports: - 80:80 - 25:25 options: --name maildev tibi-server: image: ports: - 8080:8080 env: DB_DIAL: mongodb://mongo API_PORT: 8080 MAIL_HOST: maildev:25 SECURITY_ALLOWABSOLUTEPATHS: "true" SECURITY_ALLOWUPPERPATHS: "true" SECURITY_ALLOWRELATIVEPATHS: "true" options: --name tibi-server volumes: - ${{ github.workspace }}:/repo live-server: image: ports: - 8081:80 volumes: - ${{ github.workspace }}/frontend:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ options: --name live-server steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 lfs: true - name: setup node 18 uses: actions/setup-node@v3 - name: Initialize database uses: ./.github/actions/init-db with: TIBI_API_NAMESPACE: allkids_erfurt TIBI_API_CONFIG_PATH: /repo/api/config.yml PROJECT_NAME: AllKids - name: SERVICE RESTART uses: docker://docker with: args: docker restart live-server tibi-server mongo maildev - name: Cache node modules uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | .yarn/cache key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-yarn- - name: setup yarn run: | corepack enable corepack prepare yarn@3.2.4 --activate yarn install - name: modify config run: | sed -i 's#\(sentryEnvironment.*\)".*"#\1"${GITHUB_REF_NAME}"#g' frontend/src/config.ts sed -i 's#//\( sentry\\.init.*\)#\1#g' frontend/src/config.ts export $(cat .env | xargs) echo "PROJECT_RELEASE=${RELEASE_PROJECT_SLUG}.r`git rev-list HEAD --count`-`git describe --all --long | sed 's+/+-+'`" >> .env export $(cat .env | xargs) echo ______ .env ______ cat .env echo sed -i 's#\(const release = \).*#\1"'${PROJECT_RELEASE}'"#g' api/hooks/config-client.js # bash scripts/ frontend/spa.html # bash scripts/ frontend/spa.html > frontend/_spa.html # cp frontend/_spa.html frontend/spa.html export stamp=`date +%s` sed -i s/__TIMESTAMP__/$stamp/g frontend/spa.html # sed -i s/__TIMESTAMP__/$stamp/g frontend/serviceworker.js # cat frontend/serviceworker.js # rm api/templates/spa.html # cp frontend/spa.html api/templates/spa.html echo ______ frontend/spa.html ______ cat frontend/spa.html - name: build env: FORCE_COLOR: "true" run: | yarn build - name: build ssr env: FORCE_COLOR: "true" run: | yarn build:server #- name: Load .env file # run: | # set -a # source .env # set + a - name: SERVICE RESTART uses: docker://docker with: args: docker restart live-server tibi-server - name: wait for boot run: | sleep 15 - name: Inspect Service Containers run: | for container_id in $(docker ps --format '{{.ID}}'); do echo "::group:: Container logs:" docker logs $container_id || true echo "::endgroup::" done #- name: Wait for Live Server # run: | # attempts=0 # max_attempts=5 # same port since its inside the same network, so not 8081.... # while ! curl --fail "http://live-server:80"; do # if [ $attempts -eq $max_attempts ]; then # echo "Live server not ready after $max_attempts attempts" # echo "${{ toJson(job) }}" # curl -v "http://live-server:80" || true # echo "::group::liveserver logs" # docker logs live-server # echo "::endgroup::" # echo "::group:: tibi-server logs" # docker logs tibi-server # echo "::endgroup::" # echo "::group:: tibi-server curl" # docker exec live-server cat /var/log/apache2/access.log || true # docker exec live-server bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl" # docker exec live-server echo $PATH # docker exec live-server bash -c 'curl -v "http://tibi-server:8080/api/v1/_/allkids_erfurt/ssr?token=owshwerNwoa&url=/noindex"' # echo "::endgroup::" # exit 1 # fi # attempts=$((attempts+1)) # echo "Waiting for live-server to be ready... attempt $attempts" # sleep 5 # done - name: Test HTTP Request run: | curl -v http://live-server:80 - name: Install Chrome run: | wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable # Lighthouse Analysis Step - name: Lighthouse Analysis run: | yarn add lighthouse npx lighthouse http://live-server:80 --output json --output-path /tmp/lighthouse-report.json --chrome-flags="--headless --no-sandbox --disable-dev-shm-usage" - name: upload-to-nextcloud run: | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl bash findutils export datetime=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` mkdir -p /tmp/cloudsend/${GITHUB_REF_NAME}/$${datetime} mv /tmp/lighthouse-report.json /tmp/cloudsend/${GITHUB_REF_NAME}/$${datetime}/ ./scripts/ /tmp/cloudsend/ deploy: name: deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: volumes: - /data:/data services: mongo: image: mongo:4.2 ports: - 27017:27017 maildev: image: ports: - 80:80 - 25:25 tibi-server: image: ports: - 8080:8080 env: DB_DIAL: mongodb://mongo API_PORT: 8080 MAIL_HOST: maildev:25 SECURITY_ALLOWABSOLUTEPATHS: "true" SECURITY_ALLOWUPPERPATHS: "true" SECURITY_ALLOWRELATIVEPATHS: "true" live-server: image: ports: - 8081:8081 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 lfs: true - name: setup node 18 uses: actions/setup-node@v3 - name: install dependencies env: FORCE_COLOR: "true" run: | npm install -g yarn yarn install - name: modify config run: | sed -i 's#\(sentryEnvironment.*\)".*"#\1"${GITHUB_REF_NAME}"#g' frontend/src/config.ts sed -i 's#//\( sentry\\.init.*\)#\1#g' frontend/src/config.ts export $(cat .env | xargs) echo "PROJECT_RELEASE=${RELEASE_PROJECT_SLUG}.r`git rev-list HEAD --count`-`git describe --all --long | sed 's+/+-+'`" >> .env export $(cat .env | xargs) echo ______ .env ______ cat .env echo sed -i 's#\(const release = \).*#\1"'${PROJECT_RELEASE}'"#g' api/hooks/config-client.js # bash scripts/ frontend/spa.html # bash scripts/ frontend/spa.html > frontend/_spa.html # cp frontend/_spa.html frontend/spa.html export stamp=`date +%s` sed -i s/__TIMESTAMP__/$stamp/g frontend/spa.html # sed -i s/__TIMESTAMP__/$stamp/g frontend/serviceworker.js # cat frontend/serviceworker.js # rm api/templates/spa.html # cp frontend/spa.html api/templates/spa.html echo ______ frontend/spa.html ______ cat frontend/spa.html - name: build env: FORCE_COLOR: "true" run: | yarn build - name: build ssr env: FORCE_COLOR: "true" run: | yarn build:server - name: build legacy env: FORCE_COLOR: "true" run: | yarn build:legacy - name: deploy if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' env: RSYNC_USER: "allkids_rsync_master" RSYNC_PASS: ${{ secrets.rsync_master }} run: | scripts/ $RSYNC_USER $RSYNC_PASS