const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const INCLUDE_RE = /!{3}\s*include(.+?)!{3}/i; const BRACES_RE = /\((.+?)\)/i; const include_plugin = (md, options) => { const defaultOptions = { root: '.', getRootDir: (pluginOptions/*, state, startLine, endLine*/) => pluginOptions.root, includeRe: INCLUDE_RE, throwError: false, bracesAreOptional: false, notFoundMessage: 'File \'{{FILE}}\' not found.', circularMessage: 'Circular reference between \'{{FILE}}\' and \'{{PARENT}}\'.' }; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { ...defaultOptions, root: options }; } else { options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }; } const _replaceIncludeByContent = (src, rootdir, parentFilePath, filesProcessed) => { filesProcessed = filesProcessed ? filesProcessed.slice() : []; // making a copy let cap, filePath, mdSrc, errorMessage; // store parent file path to check circular references if (parentFilePath) { filesProcessed.push(parentFilePath); } while ((cap = options.includeRe.exec(src))) { let includePath = cap[1].trim(); const sansBracesMatch = BRACES_RE.exec(includePath); if (!sansBracesMatch && !options.bracesAreOptional) { errorMessage = `INCLUDE statement '${src.trim()}' MUST have '()' braces around the include path ('${includePath}')`; } else if (sansBracesMatch) { includePath = sansBracesMatch[1].trim(); } else if (!/^\s/.test(cap[1])) { // path SHOULD have been preceeded by at least ONE whitespace character! /* eslint max-len: "off" */ errorMessage = `INCLUDE statement '${src.trim()}': when not using braces around the path ('${includePath}'), it MUST be preceeded by at least one whitespace character to separate the include keyword and the include path.`; } if (!errorMessage) { filePath = path.resolve(rootdir, includePath); // check if child file exists or if there is a circular reference if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) { // child file does not exist errorMessage = options.notFoundMessage.replace('{{FILE}}', filePath); } else if (filesProcessed.indexOf(filePath) !== -1) { // reference would be circular errorMessage = options.circularMessage.replace('{{FILE}}', filePath).replace('{{PARENT}}', parentFilePath); } } // check if there were any errors if (errorMessage) { if (options.throwError) { throw new Error(errorMessage); } mdSrc = `\n\n# INCLUDE ERROR: ${errorMessage}\n\n`; } else { // get content of child file mdSrc = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); // check if child file also has includes mdSrc = _replaceIncludeByContent(mdSrc, path.dirname(filePath), filePath, filesProcessed); // remove one trailing newline, if it exists: that way, the included content does NOT // automatically terminate the paragraph it is in due to the writer of the included // part having terminated the content with a newline. // However, when that snippet writer terminated with TWO (or more) newlines, these, minus one, // will be merged with the newline after the #include statement, resulting in a 2-NL paragraph // termination. const len = mdSrc.length; if (mdSrc[len - 1] === '\n') { mdSrc = mdSrc.substring(0, len - 1); } } const labelStyle = `padding: 0 4px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; background: #444444; opacity: .6;` const fileLabel = `
\n\n` const fileExt = includePath.replace(/^.+\./, "") // replace include by file content src = src.slice(0, cap.index) + fileLabel + "```" + fileExt + "\n" + mdSrc + "\n```" + src.slice(cap.index + cap[0].length, src.length); } return src; }; const _includeFileParts = (state, startLine, endLine/*, silent*/) => { state.src = _replaceIncludeByContent(state.src, options.getRootDir(options, state, startLine, endLine)); }; md.core.ruler.before('normalize', 'include', _includeFileParts); }; module.exports = include_plugin;