Manuel Bouza 72626a6c42
qw/timer (#23)
* Rename logo and add 32x32 version

* Set timer icon if a timer is running

* Do not query activities on initialization

* Show timer in bubble if timed activity exists

* Pass timed activity to App

* Code cleanup

* Show timer view and stop timer

* Make hours optional

* Use booked seconds instead of hours

* Add type submit to form button

* Define colors as sass variables⎄

* Style timer view

* Show start timer submit label

* Update view layouts and content

* Update version and changelog

* Dyanically set iframe height

* Reduce h1 font size

* Add svg webpack loader

* Parse empty string (TimeInputParser)

* Forward ref in Popup component

* Start time on current day only, format buttons

* Improve styling

* Set standard height as iframe default height, validate form

* Upgrade packages to supress react warning

* Show activity form in popup after timer was stoped

* Use stop-watch icon in timer view

* Fix empty description

* Close TimerView if timer stopped for current service

* Style timerview

* Improve timer view styling

* qw/setting-time-tracking-hh-mm (#24)

* Format duration depending on settingTimeTrackingHHMM

* Fix formatDuation without second argument

* Fix time format after updating bubble

* Add tests for formatDuration
2019-10-10 14:57:01 +02:00

70 lines
2.7 KiB

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