2019-03-11 15:29:05 +01:00

104 lines
2.9 KiB

package helper
import (
var templateCache = make(map[string]*pongo2.Template)
var currentContext *pongo2.Context
var currentTreeNodeConfig *config.PathConfigTree
var currentPathConfig *config.PathConfig
var templateDir string
// BackToRoot builds ../../ string
func BackToRoot(curNavPath string) string {
tmpPath := ""
if curNavPath != "" {
for i := strings.Count(curNavPath, "/") + 1; i > 0; i-- {
tmpPath += "../"
return tmpPath
// ResolveNavPath fixes nav target relative to current navigation path
func ResolveNavPath(target string) string {
curNavPath := (*currentContext)["CurrentPath"].(string)
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "/") {
target = BackToRoot(curNavPath) + target
target = path.Clean(target)
return target
// ResolveOutputPath fixes output directory relative to current navigation path
func ResolveOutputPath(target string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "/") {
target = config.Config.Directories.Output + "/" + target
} else {
target = currentTreeNodeConfig.OutputPath + "/" + target
return path.Clean(target)
// ResolveInputPath fixes input directory relative to current navigation path
func ResolveInputPath(target string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "/") {
target = config.Config.Directories.Input + "/" + target
} else {
target = currentTreeNodeConfig.InputPath + "/" + target
return path.Clean(target)
// SetTemplateDir sets base directory for searching template files
func SetTemplateDir(dir string) {
templateDir = dir
// RenderTemplate renders a pongo2 template with context
func RenderTemplate(filename string, treeNodeConfig *config.PathConfigTree, pathConfig *config.PathConfig, ctx *pongo2.Context) (string, error) {
currentContext = ctx
currentTreeNodeConfig = treeNodeConfig
currentPathConfig = pathConfig
templateFile := templateDir + "/" + filename
template := templateCache[templateFile]
if template == nil {
var err error
if template, err = pongo2.FromFile(templateFile); err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not parse template '%s': %s", templateFile, err)
} else {
templateCache[templateFile] = template
return template.Execute(*ctx)
// FixAssetsPath replaces assets path based on current path
func FixAssetsPath(str, curNavPath string) string {
if find := config.Config.Assets.FixTemplate.Find; find != "" {
Log.Debugf("fixing assets paths for path '%s'", curNavPath)
repl := config.Config.Assets.FixTemplate.Replace
toPath := config.Config.Assets.ToPath
bToRoot := BackToRoot(curNavPath)
regex, err := regexp.Compile(find)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not compile regexp '%s' for assets path: %s", find, err)
repl = bToRoot + toPath + "/" + repl
repl = path.Clean(repl) + "/"
Log.Debugf("new assets paths: %s", repl)
return regex.ReplaceAllString(str, repl)
return str