2019-02-19 18:19:42 +01:00

746 lines
20 KiB

package main
import (
cpy "github.com/otiai10/copy"
var (
// Version is the app's version string
Version = "UNKNOWN"
// GitHash is the current git hash for this version
GitHash = "UNKNOWN"
// BuildTime is the time of build of this app
BuildTime = "UNKNOWN"
var log = logging.MustGetLogger("myLogger")
var inDir *string
var outDir *string
var templateCache = make(map[string]*pongo2.Template)
// GlobalConfig is config which is used only once in root dir
type GlobalConfig struct {
Webserver struct {
Type string `yaml:"Type"`
} `yaml:"Webserver"`
Assets struct {
FromPath string `yaml:"FromPath"`
ToPath string `yaml:"ToPath"`
Action string `yaml:"Action"`
FixTemplate struct {
Find string `yaml:"Find"`
Replace string `yaml:"Replace"`
} `yaml:"FixTemplate"`
} `yaml:"Assets"`
OtherFiles struct {
Action string `yaml:"Action"`
} `yaml:"OtherFiles"`
var globalConfig = new(GlobalConfig)
// ThisPathConfig is struct for This in paths yaml
type ThisPathConfig struct {
Navname *string `yaml:"Navname"`
GoTo *string `yaml:"GoTo"`
Data interface{} `yaml:"Data"`
type indexStruct struct {
InputFile *string `yaml:"InputFile"`
OutputFile *string `yaml:"OutputFile"`
type metaStruct struct {
Title *string `yaml:"Title"`
Description *string `yaml:"Description"`
Keywords *string `yaml:"Keywords"`
type pathStruct struct {
Strip *string `yaml:"Strip"`
IgnoreForNav *string `yaml:"IgnoreForNav"`
type filenameStruct struct {
Strip *string `yaml:"Strip"`
Ignore *string `yaml:"Ignore"`
OutputExtension *string `yaml:"OutputExtension"`
type markdownStruct struct {
ChromaRenderer *bool `yaml:"ChromaRenderer"`
ChromaStyle *string `yaml:"ChromaStyle"`
// PathConfig of subdir
type PathConfig struct {
This ThisPathConfig `yaml:"This"`
Template *string `yaml:"Template"`
Index *indexStruct `yaml:"Index"`
Meta *metaStruct `yaml:"Meta"`
Path *pathStruct `yaml:"Path"`
Filename *filenameStruct `yaml:"Filename"`
Markdown *markdownStruct `yaml:"Markdown"`
Data interface{} `yaml:"Data"`
// PathConfigTree is complete config tree of content dir
type PathConfigTree struct {
InputPath string
OutputPath string
InputFiles []string
OtherFiles []string
Config *PathConfig
Sub []*PathConfigTree
var contentConfig = new(PathConfigTree)
type ptrTransformer struct{}
func (t ptrTransformer) Transformer(typ reflect.Type) func(dst, src reflect.Value) error {
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
return func(dst, src reflect.Value) error {
if dst.CanSet() {
if dst.IsNil() {
return nil
return nil
func merge(dst, src interface{}) error {
return mergo.Merge(dst, src, mergo.WithTransformers(ptrTransformer{}))
func backToRoot(curNavPath string) string {
tmpPath := ""
if curNavPath != "" {
for i := strings.Count(curNavPath, "/") + 1; i > 0; i-- {
tmpPath += "../"
return tmpPath
func readContentDir(inBase string, outBase string, dir string, conf *PathConfig, tree *PathConfigTree) {
inPath := inBase
if dir != "" {
inPath += "/" + dir
log.Infof("reading input directory: %s", inPath)
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(inPath)
if err != nil {
tree.InputPath = inPath
// read config
newConfig := new(PathConfig)
log.Debug("looking for config.yml ...")
configFile := inPath + "/config.yml"
if _, err = os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Debug("no config.yml found in this directory, using upper configs")
merge(newConfig, conf)
// remove this
newConfig.This = ThisPathConfig{}
} else {
log.Debug("reading config...")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not read file '%s': %s", configFile, err)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, newConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not parse YAML file '%s': %s", configFile, err)
log.Debug("merging config with upper config")
oldThis := newConfig.This
merge(newConfig, conf)
newConfig.This = oldThis
tree.Config = newConfig
// calc outDir
stripedDir := dir
var regexStr *string
if newConfig.Path != nil {
regexStr = newConfig.Path.Strip
if regexStr != nil && *regexStr != "" {
if regex, err := regexp.Compile(*regexStr); err != nil {
log.Panicf("error compiling path.strip regex '%s' from '%s': %s", *regexStr, inBase+"/"+dir, err)
} else {
stripedDir = regex.ReplaceAllString(stripedDir, "$1")
if tree.Config.This.Navname == nil {
navname := strings.Replace(stripedDir, "_", " ", -1)
tree.Config.This.Navname = &navname
stripedDir = slug.Make(stripedDir)
outPath := outBase + "/" + stripedDir
outPath = path.Clean(outPath)
log.Infof("calculated output directory: %s", outPath)
tree.OutputPath = outPath
// first only files
for _, f := range files {
p := inPath + "/" + f.Name()
if !f.IsDir() && f.Name() != "config.yml" {
switch path.Ext(f.Name()) {
case ".md":
log.Debugf(".MD %s", p)
if tree.InputFiles == nil {
tree.InputFiles = make([]string, 0)
tree.InputFiles = append(tree.InputFiles, f.Name())
log.Debugf("FIL %s", p)
if tree.OtherFiles == nil {
tree.OtherFiles = make([]string, 0)
tree.OtherFiles = append(tree.OtherFiles, f.Name())
// only directorys, needed config before
for _, f := range files {
p := inPath + "/" + f.Name()
if f.IsDir() {
log.Debugf("DIR %s", p)
newTree := new(PathConfigTree)
if tree.Sub == nil {
tree.Sub = make([]*PathConfigTree, 0)
tree.Sub = append(tree.Sub, newTree)
readContentDir(inPath, outPath, f.Name(), newConfig, newTree)
type navElement struct {
Navname string
GoTo string
Active bool
Data interface{}
This ThisPathConfig
SubMap *map[string]*navElement
SubSlice *[]*navElement
func buildNavigation(conf *PathConfigTree, curNavMap *map[string]*navElement, curNavSlice *[]*navElement, navActive *[]*navElement, activeNav string) {
for _, el := range conf.Sub {
var ignNav *string
if p := el.Config.Path; p != nil {
ignNav = p.IgnoreForNav
if ignNav != nil && *ignNav != "" {
regex, err := regexp.Compile(*ignNav)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not compile IngoreForNav regexp '%s' in '%s': %s", *ignNav, el.InputPath, err)
if regex.MatchString(path.Base(el.InputPath)) {
log.Debugf("ignoring input directory '%s' in navigation", el.InputPath)
elPath := strings.TrimPrefix(el.OutputPath, *outDir+"/")
subMap := make(map[string]*navElement)
subSlice := make([]*navElement, 0)
navEl := navElement{
Active: strings.HasPrefix(activeNav, elPath),
Data: el.Config.Data,
SubMap: &subMap,
SubSlice: &subSlice,
navEl.This = el.Config.This
if navEl.Active {
// add to navActive level navigation
currentLevel := strings.Count(activeNav, "/")
if len(*navActive) <= currentLevel {
// not registered
*navActive = append(*navActive, &navEl)
n := el.Config.This.Navname
if n != nil {
navEl.Navname = *n
g := el.Config.This.GoTo
if g != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(*g, "/") {
// abslute
navEl.GoTo = *g
} else {
// relative
navEl.GoTo = elPath + "/" + *g
} else {
navEl.GoTo = elPath + "/"
if activeNav != "" && activeNav != "/" {
// calculate relative path
bToRoot := backToRoot(activeNav)
navEl.GoTo = bToRoot + navEl.GoTo
navEl.GoTo = path.Clean(navEl.GoTo)
(*curNavMap)[navEl.Navname] = &navEl
if curNavSlice != nil {
*curNavSlice = append(*curNavSlice, &navEl)
buildNavigation(el, &subMap, &subSlice, navActive, activeNav)
func processContent(conf *PathConfigTree) {
log.Debugf("trying to create output directory: %s", conf.OutputPath)
if dirH, err := os.Stat(conf.OutputPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := os.MkdirAll(conf.OutputPath, 0755)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not create output directory '%s': %s", conf.OutputPath, err)
log.Noticef("created output directory: %s", conf.OutputPath)
} else if dirH != nil {
if dirH.IsDir() {
log.Noticef("output directory '%s' already exists", conf.OutputPath)
} else {
log.Panicf("output directory '%s' is no directory", conf.OutputPath)
} else {
log.Panicf("unknown error for output directory '%s': %s", conf.OutputPath, err)
curNavPath := strings.TrimPrefix(conf.OutputPath, *outDir)
curNavPath = strings.TrimPrefix(curNavPath, "/")
curNavPath = path.Clean(curNavPath)
if curNavPath == "." {
curNavPath = ""
goTo := conf.Config.This.GoTo
if goTo != nil && *goTo != "" {
goToFixed := *goTo
if strings.HasPrefix(goToFixed, "/") {
goToFixed = backToRoot(curNavPath) + goToFixed
goToFixed = path.Clean(goToFixed)
switch globalConfig.Webserver.Type {
case "apache":
htaccessFile := conf.OutputPath + "/.htaccess"
log.Noticef("writing '%s' with redirect to: %s", htaccessFile, goToFixed)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(htaccessFile, []byte(`RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ %{REQUEST_URI}`+goToFixed+`/ [R,L]
`), 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not write '%s': %s", htaccessFile, err)
for _, file := range conf.InputFiles {
inFile := conf.InputPath + "/" + file
log.Debugf("reading file: %s", inFile)
input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inFile)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not read '%s':%s", inFile, err)
log.Infof("processing input file '%s'", inFile)
newConfig := new(PathConfig)
regex := regexp.MustCompile("(?s)^---(.*?)\\r?\\n\\r?---\\r?\\n\\r?")
yamlData := regex.Find(input)
if string(yamlData) != "" {
log.Debugf("found yaml header in '%s', merging config", inFile)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlData, newConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not parse YAML header from '%s': %s", inFile, err)
log.Debug("merging config with upper config")
oldThis := newConfig.This
merge(newConfig, conf.Config)
newConfig.This = oldThis
input = regex.ReplaceAll(input, []byte(""))
} else {
merge(newConfig, conf.Config)
// ignore ???
ignoreFile := false
var ignoreRegex *string
var stripRegex *string
var outputExt *string
if f := newConfig.Filename; f != nil {
ignoreRegex = f.Ignore
stripRegex = f.Strip
outputExt = f.OutputExtension
if ignoreRegex != nil && *ignoreRegex != "" {
regex, err := regexp.Compile(*ignoreRegex)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not compile filename.ignore regexp '%s' for file '%s': %s", *ignoreRegex, inFile, err)
ignoreFile = regex.MatchString(file)
if ignoreFile {
log.Infof("ignoring file '%s', because of filename.ignore", inFile)
} else {
// build output filename
outputFilename := file
var indexInputFile *string
var indexOutputFile *string
if i := newConfig.Index; i != nil {
indexInputFile = i.InputFile
indexOutputFile = i.OutputFile
if indexInputFile != nil && *indexInputFile == file && indexOutputFile != nil && *indexOutputFile != "" {
outputFilename = *indexOutputFile
} else {
if stripRegex != nil && *stripRegex != "" {
regex, err := regexp.Compile(*stripRegex)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not compile filename.strip regexp '%s' for file '%s': %s", *stripRegex, inFile, err)
outputFilename = regex.ReplaceAllString(outputFilename, "$1")
if outputExt != nil && *outputExt != "" {
outputFilename += "." + *outputExt
outFile := conf.OutputPath + "/" + outputFilename
log.Debugf("using '%s' as output file", outFile)
var options []blackfriday.Option
var chromaRenderer *bool
var chromaStyle *string
if m := newConfig.Markdown; m != nil {
chromaRenderer = m.ChromaRenderer
chromaStyle = m.ChromaStyle
if chromaStyle == nil {
style := "monokai"
chromaStyle = &style
if chromaRenderer != nil && *chromaRenderer {
options = []blackfriday.Option{
html := blackfriday.Run(input, options...)
// use --- for splitting document in markdown parts
regex := regexp.MustCompile("\\r?\\n\\r?---\\r?\\n\\r?")
inputParts := regex.Split(string(input), -1)
htmlParts := make([]*pongo2.Value, 0)
for _, iPart := range inputParts {
htmlParts = append(htmlParts, pongo2.AsSafeValue(string(blackfriday.Run([]byte(iPart), options...))))
log.Debugf("rendering template '%s' for '%s'", *newConfig.Template, outFile)
templateFile := *inDir + "/templates/" + *newConfig.Template
template := templateCache[templateFile]
if template == nil {
var err error
if template, err = pongo2.FromFile(templateFile); err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not parse template '%s': %s", templateFile, err)
} else {
templateCache[templateFile] = template
// build navigation
navMap := make(map[string]*navElement)
navSlice := make([]*navElement, 0)
navActive := make([]*navElement, 0)
buildNavigation(contentConfig, &navMap, &navSlice, &navActive, curNavPath)
// read yaml header as data for template
ctx := make(pongo2.Context)
ctx["This"] = newConfig.This
ctx["Meta"] = newConfig.Meta
ctx["Data"] = newConfig.Data
ctx["NavMap"] = navMap
ctx["NavSlice"] = navSlice
ctx["NavActive"] = navActive
ctx["Body"] = pongo2.AsSafeValue(string(html))
ctx["BodyParts"] = htmlParts
result, err := template.Execute(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not execute template '%s' for input file '%s': %s", templateFile, inFile, err)
if find := globalConfig.Assets.FixTemplate.Find; find != "" {
log.Debugf("fixing assets paths in '%s' for '%s'", templateFile, inFile)
bToRoot := backToRoot(curNavPath)
regex, err := regexp.Compile(find)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not compile regexp '%s' for assets path: %s", find, err)
repl := globalConfig.Assets.FixTemplate.Replace
repl = bToRoot + globalConfig.Assets.ToPath + "/" + repl
repl = path.Clean(repl) + "/"
log.Debugf("new assets paths: %s", repl)
result = regex.ReplaceAllString(result, repl)
log.Noticef("writing to output file: %s", outFile)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(outFile, []byte(result), 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not write to output file '%s': %s", outFile, err)
// process other files, copy...
for _, file := range conf.OtherFiles {
switch globalConfig.OtherFiles.Action {
case "copy":
from := conf.InputPath + "/" + file
to := conf.OutputPath + "/" + file
log.Noticef("copying file from '%s' to '%s'", from, to)
err := cpy.Copy(from, to)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not copy file from '%s' to '%s': %s", from, to, err)
for _, el := range conf.Sub {
func processAssets() {
switch globalConfig.Assets.Action {
case "copy":
from := globalConfig.Assets.FromPath
to := globalConfig.Assets.ToPath
if !strings.HasPrefix(from, "/") {
from = *inDir + "/" + from
if !strings.HasPrefix(to, "/") {
to = *outDir + "/" + to
log.Noticef("copying assets from '%s' to '%s'", from, to)
err := cpy.Copy(from, to)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not copy assets from '%s' to '%s': %s", from, to, err)
func main() {
spew.Config.DisablePointerAddresses = true
spew.Config.DisableCapacities = true
spew.Config.DisableMethods = true
spew.Config.DisablePointerMethods = true
inDir = flag.String("in", "./", "input directory")
outDir = flag.String("out", "html", "output directory")
createOutDir := flag.Bool("create", false, "create output directory if not existing")
//clearOutDir := flag.Bool("clear", false, "clear output directory before generating website")
logLevel := flag.String("logLevel", "info", "log level: debug, info, warning, error")
version := flag.Bool("version", false, "print version of this executable")
if version != nil && *version {
fmt.Printf(`%11s: %s
%11s: %s
%11s: %s
`, "version", Version, "git hash", GitHash, "build time", BuildTime)
logBackend := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
logBackendFormatter := logging.NewBackendFormatter(logBackend, logging.MustStringFormatter(
`%{color}%{time:15:04:05.000} %{shortfunc} ▶ %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}`,
logBackendLeveled := logging.AddModuleLevel(logBackendFormatter)
logBackendLevel := logging.INFO
if logLevel != nil {
switch *logLevel {
case "debug":
logBackendLevel = logging.DEBUG
case "info":
logBackendLevel = logging.INFO
case "notice":
logBackendLevel = logging.NOTICE
case "warning":
logBackendLevel = logging.WARNING
case "error":
logBackendLevel = logging.ERROR
logBackendLeveled.SetLevel(logBackendLevel, "")
if inDir == nil || *inDir == "" {
log.Panic("input directory not specified")
log.Infof("input directory: %s", *inDir)
if outDir == nil || *outDir == "" {
log.Panic("output directory not specified")
log.Infof("output directory: %s", *outDir)
if createOutDir != nil && *createOutDir {
if _, err := os.Stat(*outDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Debugf("output directory '%s' does not exist", *outDir)
log.Debugf("trying to create output directory: %s", *outDir)
err := os.MkdirAll(*outDir, 0755)
if err != nil {
log.Noticef("created output directory: %s", *outDir)
} else {
log.Noticef("output directory '%s' already exists", *outDir)
if fD, err := os.Stat(*outDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Panicf("output directory '%s' does not exist, try -create parameter or create manually", *outDir)
} else {
if fD == nil {
log.Panicf("something went wrong, could not get file handle for output dir %s", *outDir)
} else if !fD.IsDir() {
log.Panicf("output directory '%s' is not a directory", *outDir)
log.Debug("reading global config...")
p := *inDir + "/config.yml"
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not read file '%s': %s", p, err)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, globalConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("could not parse YAML file '%s': %s", p, err)
log.Debugf("reading input directory %s", *inDir)
defaultTemplate := "base.html"
defaultInputFile := "README.md"
defaultOutputFile := "index.html"
defaultPathStrip := "^[0-9]*_(.*)"
defaultPathIgnoreForNav := "^_"
defaultFilenameStrip := "(.*).md$"
defaultFilenameIgnore := "^_"
defaultFilenameOutputExtension := "html"
defaultPathConfig := new(PathConfig)
defaultPathConfig.Template = &defaultTemplate
defaultPathConfig.Index = &indexStruct{
InputFile: &defaultInputFile,
OutputFile: &defaultOutputFile,
defaultPathConfig.Path = &pathStruct{
Strip: &defaultPathStrip,
IgnoreForNav: &defaultPathIgnoreForNav,
defaultPathConfig.Filename = &filenameStruct{
Strip: &defaultFilenameStrip,
Ignore: &defaultFilenameIgnore,
OutputExtension: &defaultFilenameOutputExtension,
readContentDir(*inDir+"/content", *outDir, "", defaultPathConfig, contentConfig)