2023-12-15 12:35:45 +00:00

159 lines
4.6 KiB

// TODO: add query string functionality to cache
const { ssrValidatePath } = require("../config")
const { log } = require("../lib/utils")
const { ssrRequest } = require("../lib/ssr-server.js")
;(function () {
/** @type {HookResponse} */
let response = null
const request = context.request()
let url = request.query("url")
const noCache = request.query("noCache")
// add sentry trace id to head
const trace_id = context.debug.sentryTraceId()
function addSentryTrace(content) {
return content.replace("</head>", '<meta name="sentry-trace" content="' + trace_id + '" /></head>')
context.response.header("sentry-trace", trace_id)
if (url) {
// comment will be printed to html later
let comment = ""
/** @type {Date} */ // @ts-ignore
context.ssrCacheValidUntil = null
url = url.split("?")[0]
comment += "url: " + url
if (url && url.length > 1) {
url = url.replace(/\/$/, "")
if (url == "/noindex" || !url) {
url = "/" // see .htaccess
// check if url is in cache
/** @type {Ssr[]} */ // @ts-ignore
const cache =
!noCache &&
context.db.find("ssr", {
filter: {
path: url,
if (cache && cache.length) {
// use cache
context.response.header("X-SSR-Cache", "true")
throw {
status: 200,
log: false,
html: addSentryTrace(cache[0].content),
// validate url
let status = 200
let pNorender = false
let pNotfound = false
const pR = ssrValidatePath(url)
if (pR < 0) {
pNotfound = true
} else if (!pR) {
pNorender = true
let head = ""
let html = ""
let error = ""
comment += ", path: " + url
let cacheIt = false
if (pNorender) {
html = "<!-- NO SSR RENDERING -->"
} else if (pNotfound) {
status = 404
html = "404 NOT FOUND"
} else {
// @ts-ignore
context.ssrCache = {}
// @ts-ignore
context.ssrRequest = ssrRequest
// try rendering, if error output plain html
try {
// include App.svelte and render it
// @ts-ignore
// console.log("####### RENDERING ", url)
const app = require("../lib/app.server")
const rendered = app.default.render({
url: url,
head = rendered.head
html = rendered.html
// add ssrCache to head, cache is built in ssr.js/apiRequest
head +=
"\n\n" +
"<script>window.__SSR_CACHE__ = " +
// @ts-ignore
JSON.stringify(context.ssrCache) +
// status from webapp
// @ts-ignore
if (context.is404) {
// console.log("########## 404")
status = 404
} else {
cacheIt = true
} catch (e) {
// save error for later insert into html
error = "error: " + e.message + "\n\n" + e.stack
// read html template and replace placeholders
let tpl = context.fs.readFile("templates/spa.html")
tpl = tpl.replace("<!--HEAD-->", head)
tpl = tpl.replace("<!--HTML-->", html)
tpl = tpl.replace("<!--SSR.ERROR-->", error ? "<!--" + error + "-->" : "")
tpl = tpl.replace("<!--SSR.COMMENT-->", comment ? "<!--" + comment + "-->" : "")
// save cache if adviced
if (cacheIt && !noCache) {
context.db.create("ssr", {
// context.debug.dump("ssr", {
path: url,
content: tpl,
// return html
throw {
status: status,
log: false,
html: addSentryTrace(tpl),
} else {
// only admins are allowed to get without url parameter
const auth = context.user.auth()
if (!auth || auth.role !== 0) {
throw {
status: 403,
message: "invalid auth",
auth: auth,